Please make sure to consult a physician prior to trying any workout routine so you are cleared to workout.
Warm up with some form of cardio for 5min (running, walking, jump rope, elliptical, bike, etc). Go through and do all #1, then cardio for another 5min, then round #2, cardio 5min and round #3 and last 5min of cardio or longer if you have time.
Speed walk and/or run 20-30min
30 walking lunges (15 out, 15 back)
15 push ups
30 close leg squats
25 dips
40 alternating pop ups
30 sit ups all three angles
30 alternating side lunges
Repeat exercises 3x
Jump rope 3-5min steady pace
10 push ups
15 sit ups
20 dips off bench, chair (something stable) or ground
25 leg raises
Jump rope 1min fast pace
15 push ups
20 sit ups
25 dips
30 leg raises
Jump rope 1min fast pace
20 push ups
25 sit ups
30 dips
35 leg raises
Jump rope steady for 3-5min
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