PI has helped me lose weight and maintain my weight loss, and it gets me outside and moving everyday. Any day that starts with exercise and fresh air is a good day. PI is a fun and supportive way of getting a good workout. No matter what your fitness level, the people there help you, encourage you, and make the workout easier and more fun than doing it on your own. The trainer is great, but so are the other people in the class.
-Edward Lazarus
I get up at 5:45 and exercise because it gives me clarity for the day. The group of driven souls who workout with me are close friends. They provide support and encouragement during the workout and beyond. It is bizarre that a group of strangers could become so important to me. There is a closeness but also a respectful distance. It is weird to get up so early and do so many push ups, maybe that is why the friendships are so unique. Sara provides a safe, comfortable environment to challenge yourself. PI is different from going to the gym because Sara cares. She will ask you what's up, if you haven't been to class. She has compassion while kicking your butt during a workout. She definitely wants the best for all her clients ( even if you are resisting doing the best for yourself). PI has helped me become more grounded and sure of myself. When you constantly challenge yourself, you discover a lot about who you are.
-Wendy Bailey
I suffer from two autoimmune disorders. I have decided that I will take charge of my life and for that, it is very important to stay strong and healthy. It has made me well balanced, fit, and full of energy. It is very diverse and flexible. If the set to accomplish is difficult due to physical inabilities, the option of a less difficult yet equally helpful set is given. Besides having an alarm go off at the end of each set (5’s), I am able to fit a good workout at the beginning of the day. That is the best way of starting the day. I love being in Sara’s class.
-Camille Saum
I have been working out with PI for ten years at 5:30 and it is the best way to start the day! I feel great afterwards and have the energy to accomplish many things in the course of the day! PI has put me in the best physical shape and I am proud of my commitment and dedication to being healthy and fit.
Another great thing about PI is that we care about each other and help each other through difficult times and celebratory times!! PI is more like a family and I look forward to being with such a great group of people.....especially Sara!!!
-Patty Edwards
There is no question that after my PI workout, I feel energized and ready to take on the day (especially after I have my coffee). I love working out outside and with the PI group. There is a commonality to the PI group-not sure I can define it, but there is a collective energy that seems to say "We are all in this together."
My core & upper body is without a doubt stronger than it used to be.( I would never make myself do 100 pushups) Also, all the hills we run has improved the strength in my legs.
If I had not been part of PI, I would not have made the wonderful friendships that I have made. With these friends, I ran 5 marathons and a few 1/2 marathons and 10 mile races. They have all been most memorable events and times that have provided me with a sense of accomplishment.
I will say, that even after 10 years, it is not always easy to get up at 5:00 am and go to exercise class. But Sara, I think about you, and that you do it day after day, and always show up, and if I don't go to class, I just don't feel as complete as I should.
So Sara, I just want to take this opportunity to say Thank you!! PI has impacted my life in many positive ways. I have friends who cannot believe that I go to an exercise class at 5:30 am, and I guess it is something that just can't be explained, it is something that one just has to experience to get it!
-Polly Best
It is a great way to start my day. I feel like it is my therapy!
I am so much stronger than I used to be. My back problems have virtually gone away. As for mentally, I look forward to clearing my head every morning. I also enjoy the diversity of all my classmates. Everyone is always so respectful for the stage of life everyone is at. The warmth, advice, and community that this diversity brings to the table always warms my heart.
I have competed 2 breast cancer walks totaling 39.2 miles each. I hope to participate in another walk sometime in the next year to year and a half. prior to PI I had also completed 2 additional walks 1 39.2 miles and 1 60 miler.
The support that Sara shows to all her clients is remarkable. She has eyes and ears behind her head so nothing ever slips by her. She is a great motivator even outside of class. I often hear her little voice reminding me to exercise while on vacation!!!
-Hallie Werbel
With PI, the only requirement for a great body and mental workout is setting the alarm and getting dressed each morning. Sara does the rest!
Sara's early morning workouts are one of the best and most important parts of my daily routine. For 14 years, Sara has helped me set fitness goals and has pushed me to achieve them. Experiencing both the physical and mental benefits of this has been transformative.
-Kate Vogt
At the end of every class you get a sense of accomplishment as no matter your level of physical fitness it is always a challenging work out.
I am the same weight as I was at 20 and the same waste size.
The key for me with PI is that every work out is challenging and interesting. I am never bored and am always disappointed when I can’t make a work out.
-Mark Heys
Simply put - working out with PI makes me feel great. Completing a session with PI leaves you feeling accomplished, clear minded, and physically challenged. Every session with Sara is different but I leave every time feeling the same.
The physical and mental benefits of working out with PI are unlike any benefit I've received in other workouts. Since I've started, physically, I lift heavier, run farther, sprint faster, and require much less recovery time between these activities than ever before. Mentally, I feel like I can get through any workout. Training with Sara has taught me to push myself through fatigue utilizing steady breathing and mental grit. Even outside of PI training sessions, I apply this mindset to everything I do; whether it's pick up basketball or a Saturday morning run. PI has made me a competitor.
PI has allowed me to reach all physical goals I've set for myself and continues to push me to set new ones. Personally, I've never been happier with my physical appearance - especially my core and upper body. Working out with Sara is not just for beach season - you will look your best year around.
Sara is awesome. Outside of session she is the most genuinely caring trainer I've met. Whether you need eating tips, workout routines, new exercise ideas, or just want to shoot the breeze, Sara is there to help. During session she is a no nonsense trainer. She will push, motivate, and make you sweat by any means necessary. It is these two sides of the experience that make training with PI so enjoyable.
-Jeremy Kriss
Sara works with you to make you feel strong and confident in the way you look and the way you feel about yourself.
The physical changes come quickly and with that comes a more positive attitude toward yourself and as a result toward others.
I have never been in better shape in my whole life and working out, running, walking, strength training are now a daily part of my routine and always will be moving forward.
I "heart" Sara. :)
-Jill Nicoll
I have been working with Sara for 10 years now, and I have never felt better in my life. I am the most fit I have ever been. I am energized and Sara has made me crave exercise.
I have had many physical changes. I have maintained the same weight for years now and my body is proportioned better. I am stronger and all the interval training has improved my tennis as well.
My main goal was to enjoy the working out and overall feel better. I have done much more than that because of Sara. I now love running, whereas I could barely last 10 minutes on the treadmill 9 years ago, and I have actually done a couple 5K, 10K and the Army 10 miler races. I may never be the fastest but I find it exhilarating and soothing all at the same time.
-Patricia Cohen
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