If you’ve been in an exercise rut and need a jump start on your fitness program, it’s time to get up, sign up and head out to Pure Intensity. Our classes feature strength, cardiovascular and flexibility training. Soon you will run or walk faster and farther, perfect the plank pose, crank out push-ups and sit-ups and lunge long and low up hills.
Little Flower
Massachusetts Ave.,
Bethesda, MD
Norwood Park
Norwood Rd. and Wisconsin Ave.,
Bethesda, MD
Workout Type |
Arms/Legs/Cardio | Arms/Legs/Cardio | Arms/Legs/Cardio |
Class I |
Class II |
Call 301.706.2500 or email to customize a program for your office.
Payment Methods: Visa, Mastercard, Check, Cash
To find out about group fitness packages, contact info@pureintensity.net
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