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I’ve been teaching people how to incorporate health and fitness into their lives since 1998. It’s a chance of a lifetime to teach what I am most passionate about. I started out playing high school sports then Division I soccer which taught me that it takes determination, discipline and drive to reach my goals. Later in life, I learned how to balance family life with work and how to take care of my mind, body and soul. It’s important to have a hard workout, but have fun at the same time. Overall fitness is so important, but running the trails or roads is my passion.

I’ve competed in over a 100 races from ten milers to a fifty miler typically coming in the top ten percent for women. From local races, to races in Hawaii, California, Maine, West Virginia, Tennessee and right in our own backyard of the Metropolitan area. Each mile of each race has been challenging and rewarding. I’ve tried to instill some of that drive and discipline to my clients.

There is nothing better than watching someone run their first mile or their first marathon; hearing that a client did more push ups than their spouse; or seeing a client lose five to forty pounds. Knowing that my clients are doing something healthy for themselves, reaching their goals, challenging their body and mind…it’s a Pure Pleasure to be doing what I do.

Get it Done!

         -Sara Qureshi, Owner of Pure Intensity

Sara works with you to make you feel strong and confident in the way you look and the way you feel about yourself.

Jill Nicoll (client of Pure Intensity)
Sara Qureshi